Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Hunger Games (Catching Fire)

Question 5.

The main character, Katniss is very brave, and independent. She puts her family as her first priority, and she's the one who takes care of her mother and sister. Katniss would risk her own life for them, in order to keep them safe. Her hobby is hunting, as her talent is shooting arrows. Being in the woods is the happiest she would ever be. I am very unlike her because I'm not brave at all, and probably wouldn't do all the things she did for her family. She's close to them, and I'm not. I dislike being in the woods, because I don't really like nature (like forests, mountains etc.). I am independent though, like Katniss, but definitely not compatible with her because I wouldn't know how to hunt for food. It's really interesting to read about her because she's so humble, and smart. I envy her.

Collins, Suzanne. "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire." Scholastic, Inc: London. 2009. Print.

Rating: 5/5
- Read the whole novel
New words: abyss, inevitable
abyss - immeasurable space
inevitable - sure to occur

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